Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Few Observations From My Trip to the Store

Alright. I just went out to run a couple errands, and I have a few observations to share with the class. This trip included a trip to the bike shop to tune-up and fix my poor bike, as well as, a trip to Safeway. Read on...

1. My new, shiny raincoat continues to be a man magnet in much the same way that small dogs are chick magnets.

2. When paying someone for a service, nothing makes me want to walk out of the shop more than having them make fun of me. This one may require a little backstory. I took my bike into the shop, and the guys working in the bike sales department leapt to help me (and my shiny raincoat). I told them I needed a tune-up and explained that I took a fall this morning, so the gears are slipping. Immediately, they started making fun of me for falling AND insulted my bike. Granted, the bike is really dirty right now as a direct result of the ride this morning (and normally I would clean it before taking it in, but that wasn't in the cards today). They were terribly rude, and I was so annoyed. Seriously, guys. I'm paying you money. Treat me with a little respect. Sure you can make fun of me after I leave, but don't do it to my face. And I'm someone that knows the art of self-deprecating humor to the extent that I find humor in all my missteps. Tonight I just wasn't having it. Luckily the guy that will fix my bike was very nice. He saved the sale.

3. Apparently it's the day before the Super Bowl. I had no idea until I walked into the grocery store and wondered why it was so crowded on a Saturday night.

4. People (specifically the woman ahead of me at the check-out) spend more on Super Bowl-related junk food than I spend on a month's worth of groceries.

5. The Safeway checkers strive to be the slowest guns in the West. It is astounding how slow they are.

6. The woman ahead of me has no manners. Even though there was a long line behind her (which started when an elderly woman paid with a check in front of the mannerless woman), she made no effort to help expedite the sacking of her groceries. She stood there and waited for the checker to do it. At one point, she helped out by holding the stack of paper bags, so they didn't cover up any of her groceries. Come on! How many times have I bagged my own groceries? Almost every time. Clearly she doesn't shop at Trader Joe's...and why was she shopping at the Ghettoway instead of the Pick-up joint known as the Marina Safeway?

7. Exercise gives me bad knees. Say what you want about age, but I'm convinced that exercising is making me hurt. I never hurt when I just sit around.

8. 17-20 minutes feels like an eternity when you're hungry and want to eat a frozen pizza (after it's been cooked, of course).

9. Television during the writer's strike is really dissatisfying. Furthermore, Saturday night TV always blows, writer's strike or not.

10. Baby animals are darling--specifically baby rhinos.

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