But not without kicking and screaming.
So, I just upgraded my phone to (drum roll please) a blackberry. Oh, that's right. This girl who always has a phone 5 generations behind whatever phone is new and hip, suddenly cut in line. I've only had texting capabilities for less than 2 years, and I've never had a camera phone. I don't know what to do with myself! To be completely honest, I'm a little afraid of the new phone. I mean, it's cute and all. I like to look at it and push the buttons, but I'm afraid I'll click onto something and *BAMMO* get charged $100. Some might think I'm being a little melodramatic, but you don't know my world. This kind of thing happens to me all the time (though, lately, I've been quite lucky. Just yesterday, I had a hankering for potstickers after watching America's Test Kitchen, and a half an hour before I was going to head out and get some...my friend called to invite me over to eat...potstickers. Crazy, no?).
I am the customer that no one wants to deal with. I usually start out nice, but, more often than not, the call ends with me in tears, screaming about how unfair everything is (and I may throw in unfair things that are completely unrelated to the problem at hand). Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating (or am I?). My point is that anytime I have something that costs me money (and has the potential to secretly cost me money), I get a little nervous. That, and the purchase of the phone (while possibly the best cell phone buying experience I've had) was a little sketchy...and somehow, I have a family plan. So, for reasons unknown to single ol' me, I now have 2 phones available for my usage. And what single person really needs 2 phones? It's just confusing...not to mention being totally unnecessary. My salesperson seemed to think it was a great idea. So, I guess I have to correct that, but I can't do that for a couple of days. And while I'm correcting that, I need to figure out exactly what data plan she sold me because I have a sinking suspicion that I was eagerly suckered (and everyone knows this wouldn't be the first time).
So, I guess that's my story. I have a fancy new phone, and I'm terrified of it because, in some small way, I am a bit of a luddite.
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