The nice thing about travel-induced cankles is that it doesn't take much for them to go away. Last night, I got to my hotel around 2:00 AM, then had a panic not knowing if tipping was something that you do in Thailand. At first I didn't (and according to my book, it isn't expected), but then I felt a wave of guilt (mostly because I was concerned with tipping karma), so I ran outside to find the guys that drove me and carried my luggage. They seemed very pleased that I gave them the equivalent of 60 cents.
After cleansing my karma, I went to bed and had to do everything I could to NOT think about the fact that I lost my water bottle on the plane. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Water bottle? Who cares!" But it wasn't any water bottle. It was a gift from my mom, and it had a filtration system...and apparently it was very expensive. I tried to retrieve it, but it wasn't to be. Someone on Korean Air is now the happy owner of my water bottle. Seat 48E was the luck winner!
Once that was cleared from my head, I went to sleep, and I did okay. I only woke up 4 times (which was better than the night before when I had dreams that I had to drop my friends off at 2 different airports before catching my flight--and I didn't wake up shrieking (like I did on the plane) because I thought I'd left my rings on the plane (because I left them in a safe deposit box)), so it was a good night.
The best part about it was that when I woke up, I peaked under the sheets to check out my cankles, and they had almost disappeared. They're still there, but getting smaller! I'll have normal feet tomorrow. Goodbye Fred Flintstone!
And now, it's time I started my journey into the Bangkok. Until then, fair readers. (You are coming back, right?)
Oh wait, but before I it weird that the place where I had breakfast is playing country music almost exclusively. I kind of want to wait around and see if they play that Tim McGraw fan with the line, "Jesus is My Friend, America is my Home." I like to imagine that he had more lines like, "I like Ice Cream. Bubblegum tastes good."
Now it's off to town.
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