Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lao Airlines: You Are Safe With Us

Dear Lao Airlines,

I am writing to say that I am impressed. Yes, I was somewhat afraid to get on your plane, seeing as you are known to have a bad safety record (although that can all be chocked up to speculation since you don't publish it in the first place). And well, your fleet mostly consists of the Old Chinese planes that have a penchant for engine failure...but you seem okay. Sure the first flight was bumpy, and I'm not sure if it was the air, the plane, or the pilot who was responsible. The take-offs were rough, and the landings were, by far, the worst, most jerky, and hardest landings I've ever experienced. That aside, your service was excellent. You do all the things US carriers stopped doing. You serve food and drinks (without charge). The flight attendants were friendly. You pass out handi-wipes. And, when you cancel a flight, you don't stop at putting the stranded passengers up in a decent hotel, you also provide them with dinner and entertainment for the night. Also, my second flight was far less eventful and on a new plane, so it really made me question all the fear-mongering I had drilled into my own mind.

I appreciate what you are trying to accomplish with the "You're Safe With Us" slogan, but you have a ways to go to reverse the negative public image. It's a nice start regardless. Safety aside, your customer service is excellent, so kudos to you.

Bravo, Lao Airlines! I made it to my destination, twice in a row.

Yay for small victories.


Cardelia Boardeaux

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