Saturday, April 5, 2008

What Kind of Hotel Is This Anyway?

Yesterday, I felt all igry.  I didn’t want to (but, really, when does anyone WANT to feel igry?), but it just happened.

My parents are in town, and they are staying at a swanky hotel.  We were hanging out in the room, watching the boob toob (as my grandma used ot refer to it), when we decided to leave and get dinner.  As we opened the door into the grand hallway, we heard a woman in a room all the way at the other end of the very LONG hallway....enjoying herself (and whomever she was with).  I immediately heard it and panicked.  What to do?  I’m with my parents.  I don’t want to have to listen to this in their presence.  I don’t want to have to listen to this outside of their presence, but it seems even more heinous when they are right there.  My mom suggested we walk the other direction, but that was a dead-end.  So, we wandered down the hall, and the woman’s cries of ecstasy got louder as we finally passed her door (which was on the corner, so her moans echoed throughout two hallways).  All we could do was laugh.  And once we got into the elevator, all was restored.  We never spoke of the incident again.


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