It's true. I took a little sabbatical from the blogging. It wasn't my intention. It just happened. Things have been a little on the busy side this month; however, that doesn't mean I don't have stories to tell.
In fact, I did post a couple of new stories for your reading pleasure. They are backdated, so perhaps they escaped your view. Please see:
Wingin' it! and Stalked by Reality TV Stars
They're good ones.
Now, so I'm not leaving you high and's an observation...
Today I was in the Haight, and I was stopped a a stop sign, eagerly trying to cross the street to get to a soon-to-be-vacated parking spot. In my haste, I started to move without noticing the large, frightening, punk rock street girl who walked in front of my car. She turned to me and gave me a menacing look. Her menacing look didn't frighten me as much as the FACE TATTOO.
Alright, people, let it be known that getting a tattoo on your FACE makes you scary. There's no need to shoot people the evil eye. You will be frightening even if you are smiling sweetly. And who is going to hire you? I don't mean to sound like a frumpy old lady, but seriously...face tattoos are kind of off-putting. I mean, just think of Mike Tyson. That guy bit off someone's ear, and he has a face tattoo. It's totally creepy.
I'm not the best driver, and I make stupid moves like that one all the time. But I think I'll be much more vigilant next time I'm in the Haight lest I get the stink eye from another person with a face tattoo.
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