Sunday, May 10, 2009

Card Carrying Member of the Sour Toe Cocktail Club


You should be.

I drank a shot of whiskey with a severed human toe in it, and I have a card AND a certificate to prove it!

You see, there's this little club in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, and all you have to do to become a member is drink a shot of Yukon Jack with a preserved severed human toe in it.  The rules require that you touch your lips to the toe.  Apparently, it's quite a tradition.  I'm the 31,400th member of the club.

You can google it to learn more, but I'll give you the skinny.  Basically, this little club started in the 1970's, and the toe is allegedly the amputated toe of miner from the 1920's.  It's been preserved in alcohol and salt, and it is nasty!  Apparently, people will their toes to the Captain to be used in the ceremony.
Anyone with $5 and an iron stomach can join the club.  You simply need to sign your name, buy a shot, and the Captain (who is this creepy pirate-like guy with bad breath and rotting teeth) will drop the toe in your drink.  The rules are simple, "You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch touch this gnarly toe."

We were inducted into the club in groups of three.  He would say each line to each person, and on the third person, he would shove the toe in their face and flap a hang nail/skin flap on the toe.  It was pretty disgusting.  I was in the second group to try the toe, and I was the third person, so I had the image of the skin flap burned on my memory.

Once it was my turn, I readied myself for the barrage of photos, and before I knew it, the Captain had dropped the toe in my glass.  I drank it, but the toe didn't slide to my lips, so I, like everyone else, pulled it out of the glass with my fingers and placed it in my mouth.  The Captain jumped in and announced that I didn't qualify because it didn't touch my lips while I was drinking the shot.  Not wanting to be a failure, I put it back in the glass, and knocked it into my mouth.  And then, I joined the club!

It was totally gross.  What's ever worse is that he charges a $500 fine to anyone that swallows the toe.  Who would do that?  Gross!

The best part about being a member of the club is that I can put the toe in my drinks for free from now on!

Lucky, huh?


  1. Gack!
    Remind me to never kiss you on the lips (oh, wasn't planning on that anyway) ;)

  2. Don't worry. I put hand sanitizer all over my mouth and tongue.

  3. Well, what the heck are you up to now???
